.. _d:relatedidentifier: 12. RelatedIdentifier (MA) -------------------------- Identifiers of related resources. These must be globally unique identifiers (occurrences: 0-n). **Allowed values, examples, other constraints** Free text. Use this property to indicate subsets of properties, as appropriate. .. note:: *Mandatory when applicable* property in OpenAIRE instead of *recommended* in DataCite. Please refer to :ref:`relations` for specific details on how to link datasets and publications. .. _d:relatedidentifiertype: 12.1 relatedIdentifierType (M) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The type of the RelatedIdentifier (occurrences: 1). **Allowed values, examples, other constraints** If :ref:`d:relatedidentifier` is used, :ref:`d:relatedidentifiertype` is mandatory. *Controlled List Values:* * ``ARK`` * ``arXiv`` * ``bibcode`` * ``DOI`` * ``EAN13`` * ``EISSN`` * ``Handle`` * ``ISBN`` * ``ISSN`` * ``ISTC`` * ``LISSN`` * ``LSID`` * ``PMID`` * ``PURL`` * ``UPC`` * ``URL`` * ``URN`` .. _d:relationtype: 12.2 relationType (M) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description of the relationship of the resource being registered (A) and the related resource (B) (occurrences: 1). **Allowed values, examples, other constraints** If :ref:`d:relatedidentifier` is used, :ref:`d:relationtype` is mandatory. *Controlled List Values:* * ``IsCitedBy`` (indicates that B includes A in a citation) * ``Cites`` (indicates that A includes B in a citation) * ``IsSupplementTo`` (indicates that A is a supplement to B) * ``IsSupplementedBy`` (indicates that B is a supplement to A) * ``IsContinuedBy`` (indicates A is continued by the work B) * ``Continues`` (indicates A is a continuation of the work B) * ``HasMetadata`` (indicates resource A has additional metadata B) * ``IsMetadataFor`` (indicates additional metadata A for a resource B) * ``IsNewVersionOf`` (indicates A is a new edition of B, where the new edition has been modified or updated) * ``IsPreviousVersionOf`` (indicates A is a previous edition of B) * ``IsPartOf`` (indicates A is a portion of B;may be used for elements of a series) * ``HasPart`` (indicates A includes the part B) * ``IsReferencedBy`` (indicates A is used as a source of information by B) * ``References`` (indicates B is used as a source of information for A) * ``IsDocumentedBy`` (indicates B is documentation about/explaining A) * ``Documents`` (indicates A is documentation about/explaining B) * ``isCompiledBy`` (indicates B is used to compile or create A) * ``Compiles`` (indicates B is the result of a compile or creation event using A) * ``IsVariantFormOf`` (indicates A is a variant or different form of B, e.g. calculated or calibrated form or different packaging) * ``IsOriginalFormOf`` (indicates A is the original form of B) * ``IsIdenticalTo`` (indicates that A is identical to B, for use when there is a need to register two separate instances of the same resource) * ``IsReviewedBy`` (indicates that A is reviewed by B) * ``Reviews`` (indicates that A is a review of B) * ``IsDerivedFrom`` (indicates B is a source upon which A is based) * ``IsSourceOf`` (indicates A is a source upon which B is based) .. note:: ``Cites`` and ``IsCitedBy`` is specifically for when a publication/dataset directly cites another publication/dataset in its references, whereas ``References`` and ``IsReferencedBy`` is for when a dataset/publication is used as a source of information without a direct citation. OpenAIRE encourages including minimum one of above listed relation types, but allows usage of all DataCite’s relation types. .. _d:relatedmetadatascheme: 12.3 relatedMetadataScheme (O) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The name of the scheme (occurrences: 0-1). **Allowed values, examples, other constraints** Use only with this relation pair: (``HasMetadata``/``IsMetadataFor``). .. _d:relatedidentifier_schemuri: 12.1 schemeURI (O) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The URI of the relatedMetadataScheme (occurrences: 0-1). **Allowed values, examples, other constraints** Use only with this relation pair: (``HasMetadata``/``IsMetadataFor``). .. _d:relatedidentifier_schemeType: 12.1 schemeType (O) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The type of the relatedMetadataScheme, linked with the schemeURI (occurrences: 0-1). **Allowed values, examples, other constraints** Use only with this relation pair: (``HasMetadata``/``IsMetadataFor``). Examples: ``XSD``, ``DDT``, ``Turtle`` Example ~~~~~~~ .. include:: examples/relatedidentifier.rst