The OpenAIRE guidelines can be viewed online on
Create a GitHub account¶
You will need a GitHub account to contribute to the OpenAIRE guidelines. It is free an easy - just go to and follow the instructions.
Once you’ve got your GitHub account, ahead on over to the OpenAIRE Guidelines on GitHub

Participate in the discussion¶
- Want to participate in our discussion? Join the ongoing conversation on our list of issues:
- Have a question, feedback or problem? Simply go open a new issue on our GitHub repository:
You can also get to the “New issue” from the frontpage of our GitHub repository:

The description of issues can be styled using a syntax called Markdown. See more on how to create headings, bold and bullets on You can even include images in the text, simply by dragging and dropping the image onto the issue description text area.
Editing the guidelines¶
Found a typo or want to revise major parts of the guidelines? Editing the guidelines can be done directly on GitHub. If this is the first time you are using GitHub, follow our guide here: Editing the guidelines
Get notified¶
Afraid you missed an update? GitHub allows you to easily keep updated with the latest changes using their notifications: