12. RelatedIdentifier (MA)

Identifiers of related resources. These must be globally unique identifiers (occurrences: 0-n).

Allowed values, examples, other constraints

Free text.

Use this property to indicate subsets of properties, as appropriate.


Mandatory when applicable property in OpenAIRE instead of recommended in DataCite.

Please refer to Related publications and datasets information for specific details on how to link datasets and publications.

12.1 relatedIdentifierType (M)

The type of the RelatedIdentifier (occurrences: 1).

Allowed values, examples, other constraints

If 12. RelatedIdentifier (MA) is used, 12.1 relatedIdentifierType (M) is mandatory.

Controlled List Values:

  • ARK
  • arXiv
  • bibcode
  • DOI
  • EAN13
  • Handle
  • ISBN
  • ISSN
  • ISTC
  • LSID
  • PMID
  • PURL
  • UPC
  • URL
  • URN

12.2 relationType (M)

Description of the relationship of the resource being registered (A) and the related resource (B) (occurrences: 1).

Allowed values, examples, other constraints

If 12. RelatedIdentifier (MA) is used, 12.2 relationType (M) is mandatory.

Controlled List Values:

  • IsCitedBy (indicates that B includes A in a citation)
  • Cites (indicates that A includes B in a citation)
  • IsSupplementTo (indicates that A is a supplement to B)
  • IsSupplementedBy (indicates that B is a supplement to A)
  • IsContinuedBy (indicates A is continued by the work B)
  • Continues (indicates A is a continuation of the work B)
  • HasMetadata (indicates resource A has additional metadata B)
  • IsMetadataFor (indicates additional metadata A for a resource B)
  • IsNewVersionOf (indicates A is a new edition of B, where the new edition has been modified or updated)
  • IsPreviousVersionOf (indicates A is a previous edition of B)
  • IsPartOf (indicates A is a portion of B;may be used for elements of a series)
  • HasPart (indicates A includes the part B)
  • IsReferencedBy (indicates A is used as a source of information by B)
  • References (indicates B is used as a source of information for A)
  • IsDocumentedBy (indicates B is documentation about/explaining A)
  • Documents (indicates A is documentation about/explaining B)
  • isCompiledBy (indicates B is used to compile or create A)
  • Compiles (indicates B is the result of a compile or creation event using A)
  • IsVariantFormOf (indicates A is a variant or different form of B, e.g. calculated or calibrated form or different packaging)
  • IsOriginalFormOf (indicates A is the original form of B)
  • IsIdenticalTo (indicates that A is identical to B, for use when there is a need to register two separate instances of the same resource)
  • IsReviewedBy (indicates that A is reviewed by B)
  • Reviews (indicates that A is a review of B)
  • IsDerivedFrom (indicates B is a source upon which A is based)
  • IsSourceOf (indicates A is a source upon which B is based)


Cites and IsCitedBy is specifically for when a publication/dataset directly cites another publication/dataset in its references, whereas References and IsReferencedBy is for when a dataset/publication is used as a source of information without a direct citation.

OpenAIRE encourages including minimum one of above listed relation types, but allows usage of all DataCite’s relation types.

12.3 relatedMetadataScheme (O)

The name of the scheme (occurrences: 0-1).

Allowed values, examples, other constraints

Use only with this relation pair: (HasMetadata/IsMetadataFor).

12.1 schemeURI (O)

The URI of the relatedMetadataScheme (occurrences: 0-1).

Allowed values, examples, other constraints

Use only with this relation pair: (HasMetadata/IsMetadataFor).

12.1 schemeType (O)

The type of the relatedMetadataScheme, linked with the schemeURI (occurrences: 0-1).

Allowed values, examples, other constraints

Use only with this relation pair: (HasMetadata/IsMetadataFor).

Examples: XSD, DDT, Turtle


An example:
